Hello! And thank you for visiting my site!
I’ve been blogging since 2007, originally on a site called www.afewgoodpens.com. I blogged regularly there for a few years, then moved the content here – to daleducatte.com – and decided to rebuild the site early in 2018. There were about 150 articles on the first two sites; as part of a cleanup, I removed two thirds of the articles that were outdated – keeping only those older posts I might want to revisit in the future – corrected broken links and missing images, and started blogging more regularly again. This blog is a WordPress site hosted on InMotion Hosting, and in 2018 I had two companion WordPress.com sites – daleducatte.wordpress.com and afewgoodpens.wordpress.com – which I launched to learn more about WordPress and engage more with the amazing WordPress.com community.
This blog is organized around my interests: Books and Music, Blogging, Writing and Creativity, Photography and Imagery, History, and Exploring Place. I enjoy reading, learning, and writing about the intersections among these interests – especially photography and writing, and history and cultural geography. I recently retired from a career in information technology where I started as a developer and later took on roles in software quality assurance, requirements analysis and documentation, and strategy development. I plan to focus this blog on my creative interests, while using what I know about technology and strategy to inform and expand my writing.
I’m from northern New York and have lived in Atlanta, Georgia since 1988. I’ll often flip between both home-places in my writing and photography on this site. My vision for this site, for myself, and for anyone who stops by here is reflected in two of the quotations in my sidebar, the first from Susan Sontag’s essay “At the Same Time: The Novelist and Moral Reasoning” in At the Same Time: Essays and Speeches and the second from If You Want to Write: A Book about Art, Independence, and Spirit by Barbara Ueland.
Pay attention to the world.
Know that you have talent, are original, and have something important to say.
Thanks again for stopping by; come back anytime and I hope you like it here!
Bye for now,
P.S. Oh, I almost forgot to mention I have a blogging mascot, research assistant, and photography partner named Lobo …
… who also helps me stay organized.

Original writing and photography by Dale M. Ducatte is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
A previous fan of the writings on afewgoodpens … I am thrilled to reconnect to this new site and new platform that will surely round out my own life of thinking and analyzing this amazing world around me. I am not so fortunate to be retiring, but recently made a life change relocating to the Golden Isles of the beautiful East Coast of Georgia. I see the world differently now and cannot wait to read, share, and learn. Thanks Dale!
Thanks so much for checking things out and for your supportive words. Looking forward to sharing much, much more in the coming months and years! Bye for now….
Ha ha – love ‘im ! ???
Thank you! Me too!!!!
Thank you for following my blog. I’ve returned the compliment! Your photos are stunning!
You’re welcomed, and thanks back at you. Thanks also for the compliment on my photos. I was enjoying browsing through your site earlier today and will take a closer look lateron. Bye for now!
Nice work on the site. And a nice mascot, too!
Thank you! The site was a bit of work, so I appreciate the comment … and the mascot appreciates it too!
Looking forward to the Wordless Wednesday subject: “Mascot Moods” where you capture the probable many many moods of your devoted assistant! t.
Great idea! I’m negotiating with his agent right now to set up a photo shoot! 🙂
Awwww little Lobo! So adorable!
Thanks! He’s a little doll and he knows it! 🙂
Hi ! You make really stunning pictures !! I am a fan now. And you have such a cute dog !!!
Thank you! And thanks for following! Yes, he’s a little sweetheart — and a great “help” when I’m working in the garden.
I have 2 little dogs and I know what you mean with “help” 😀
I was trying to comment on the stunning Lily … but noticed the Gerber’s … then realized there were my favorite Iris … and dadgumit—- there were the beautiful Roses!
Your photos are amazing, I am unable to pick a favorite. My favorite site.
Thank you! I have the same “problem” — those are all also my favorites as well as all the others, along with all the ones I haven’t even finished working on yet!