"Pay attention to the world." -- Susan Sontag
Glow-in-the-Dark Mums and Daisies (2 of 3)

Glow-in-the-Dark Mums and Daisies (2 of 3)

From “Why Photograph Flowers” in Photographing Flowers by Harold Davis:

“[Flowers] are a subject that photographers at all skill levels want to shoot…. Where else can you find such a riotous display of colors and shapes contained in such a small package? Every flower is different. I like to photograph flowers for:

– The grace they bring the world;

– The wildness that is contained in the heart of every flower no matter how showy or domesticated it is;

– The realism, clarity, and bravery with which flowers confront the mystery of their brief lives.

“And, okay, flowers are simply beautiful. In fact, flowers live for beauty. As a species, they make their living by seeming attractive — to their pollinators, and to us humans because symbiotically we help them spread far and wide.

“Mostly, flowers aren’t practical. We help them grow for their beauty and poetry. How can we not want to capture this ephemeral and bold stand against entropy and the chaos of the universe?”

From “Golden Thoughts Against a Black Background” in New Poems by Tadeusz Rozewicz:

since awakening
I’ve been having black thoughts

black thoughts?

try perhaps to describe
their form their substance

how do you know they’re black

maybe they’re square
or red
or golden

that’s it!

golden thoughts….


This is the second of three posts where I took some of my recent photographs of chrysanthemums and daisies, and “painted” their backgrounds black. The first post — with a description of my workflow for creating images like this — is Glow-in-the-Dark Mums and Daisies (1 of 3).

Thanks for taking a look!

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