From “Belamcanda” in Garden Bulbs in Color by J. Horace McFarland:
“More familiarly known as the Blackberry Lily or Leopard Lily, Belamcanda chinensis, a summer-blooming member of the iris family, is well worth growing. It came to us from China and Japan.
“With foliage much like iris and clusters of bright orange flowers on two-and-one-half-foot stems, the plant is very striking in the summer landscape. Plant the root-stalks in masses of six or more in places where they will have an effective background. Fortunately, the Blackberry Lily is relatively hardy, save in exposed areas.
“The first common name mentioned comes from the character of the seeds, which resemble blackberries. The other name, Leopard Lily (sometimes listed as Pardanthus chinensis), brings to mind the curious spots which accentuate the flowers.”
This is the second of three posts featuring photos of the Blackberry Lily, Leopard Lily, Leopard Flower, or IRIS DOMESTICA! — that I took a few weeks ago. The first post is Iris Domestica, the Leopard Flower or Blackberry Lily (1 of 3).
I photographed these the day after several seriously-windy thunderstorms had passed through the area, and some of the plants had blown from their normal standing-tall positions to hang from their bent (but not broken)stems, almost horizontally among their leaves. The first seven photos below show the bit of extra drama I got from the plants in those positions.
Thanks for taking a look!

These are very beautiful. I’ve never seen one before, but I would be delighted to encounter them. 🙂
I’ve only seen them in the one place at Oakland’s gardens where I took these photographs, nowhere else, and I’ve never seen them offered for sale at any garden centers here. They’re near some old gravestones: I imagine someone planted them once upon a time and they spread very productively, as they now cover an area about twelve feet square.
Thanks for the comment!
Thank you!
Pleasure Dale