From Billy and the Minpins by Roald Dahl:
“No child has ever had such an exciting young life as Little Billy, and no child has ever kept such a huge secret so faithfully. He never told a soul about the Minpins.
“I myself have been very careful not to tell you where they live, and I am not about to tell you now. But if by some extraordinary chance you should one day wander into a forest and catch a glimpse of a Minpin, then hold your breath and thank your lucky stars because up to now, so far as I know, no one excepting Little Billy has ever seen one.
“Watch the birds as they fly above your heads and, who knows, you might well spy a tiny creature riding high on the back of a swallow or a raven.
“Watch the robin especially because it always flies low, and you might see a nervous young Minpin perched on the feathers having its first flying lesson.
“And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places….”