Tag: macro photography
Hosta Shapes and Colors (Set 2 of 4)
Here is the second set of photos showing reincarnated hostas making their spring debut in my garden.
The first set is here: Hosta Shapes and Colors (Set 1 of 4).
The second and last photos in this gallery are my personal favorites (I’m allowed to like my own photos, right?). Pea gravel and a faded fence can make great backgrounds!
Select the first image to begin a slideshow; thanks for looking!
Hosta Shapes and Colors (Set 1 of 4)
With warmer temperatures, more sun, and periodic spring rains, all the hostas are on the move! The images below are from the first of four galleries, where I’ve tried to capture my own fascination with the color variations, shapes, lines, and textures of new hosta leaves appearing in my garden. Some of these hostas were featured as new buds here: Wordless Wednesday: Hosta Babies; and my Fire Island Hosta’s early growth is here: Fire Island Hosta: Seven Views.
Select the first image to begin a slideshow; thanks for looking!
Catawba Grapevine, Early Spring, Round Two
With the photos in the gallery below, I may have captured the last of the luminous colors appearing on my catawba grapevine, at least for Spring 2019. I took these pictures about a week after the first set, and the emerging shoots and leaves have doubled in size. Now, however — with another few sunny days having passed — most of the purple and magenta color has turned into green with splashes of yellow: the colors of the mature vine. The shapes of the shoots fascinate me, though, so there may be a Round Three gallery … and more!
I got insect-photobombed when taking these pictures; I didn’t notice until I was processing the photos in Lightroom that there was a tiny spider hanging out on the vine. The spider is in two of the photos, but I’m not telling which ones: you’ll have to look closely and find it for yourself.
Thanks for looking! I hope spring is springing for you too!