"Pay attention to the world." -- Susan Sontag
Summer Sky Pink (Very-Very Pink!) Asiatic Lilies (3 of 4)

Summer Sky Pink (Very-Very Pink!) Asiatic Lilies (3 of 4)

From The Book of the Lily by William Goldring:

“The history of lilies in English gardens is interesting, as it runs parallel with the history of geographical knowledge. Before far-off countries were known and explored, Lily culture in England was naturally restricted to the species native of Europe…. It was no doubt first cultivated in gardens of the royal and the rich, and it is quite possible that Elizabeth and her courtiers may have plucked flowers from the same stock from which has descended the common White Lily of today still… cherished by rich and poor alike.”

From The Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture (Vol. 4) by Liberty Hyde Bailey:

“The various lilies are unequaled by any other plant in their unique combinations of beauty, gracefulness, and stately magnificence….”


Here are some variations on the lily photos in my previous two posts (see Summer Sky Pink (Very-Very Pink!) Asiatic Lilies (1 of 4) and Summer Sky Pink (Very-Very Pink!) Asiatic Lilies (2 of 4)), where I have removed the backgrounds (by “painting” them black).

Thanks for taking a look!

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