From “A Christmas Wish” by Edgar A. Guest in Prayers and Poems for Christmas, published by Ideals Publications, Inc.:
I wish you joy on Christmas Day.
Yet one day filled
with mirth and cheer
Will oh so quickly pass away,
I wish you joy throughout the year.
May peace be yours
when night comes down;
May every good which life can give
Be yours to bless your home and crown
The tasks of every day you live.
Beneath your roof may laughter ring
And love and merriment abide,
And may you reap through many a spring
The blossoms of the countryside.
God grant that you may wake by day
In strength, the tasks of life to meet;
May you go singing down the way.
And may your dreams at night be sweet.
Through every day of every year
This wish of mine I shall renew;
God keep you safe and hold you dear
And pour His blessings down on you.
Ho! Ho! Ho!
Below I’ve gathered all the photos from this year’s “Days to Christmas” series in one post, because photos like to hang out together on holidays.
Click the links above each gallery if you would like to see the original posts and the quotations or poems I selected to go with them.
Thanks for taking a look … and:
Merry Christmas!!!!!
Ten Days to Christmas: Peace in the Village

Nine Days to Christmas: Silver (and Blue) and Gold

Eight Days to Christmas: Red and Green (and Gold)

Seven Days to Christmas: When Nature Does the Decorating

Six Days to Christmas: It’s the Little Things!

Five Days to Christmas: The Sights and Sounds of Angels

Four Days to Christmas: Winter Solstice, When Snowmen, Owls, and Deer Meet in the Dark Woods

Three Days to Christmas: As the Light Turns

Two Days to Christmas: Les animaux de Noël

One Day to Christmas: Happy Christmas Eve!

Merry Christmas Dale!
Thanks, Ann! Merry Christmas to you too!!
Merry Xmas!
Thank you very much, and Merry Xmas 2 u 2 !!
Merry Christmas!
Thank you! Merry Christmas to you too!