"Pay attention to the world." -- Susan Sontag

Blue Iris, Blue Giraffe

From Irises: Their Culture and Selection by Gwendolyn Anley:

“It is not to be expected of the [brown and sepia irises] that they should have the same opacity as the blue irises, that the petals should have the same translucence, the spicing or sugaring, as it were, with gleaming fibers or particles which are nothing less than the flesh of the pure blue iris, so much so that the inadvertent tearing of a petal may seem like the harming of an animal.”


I’m working through the last of my spring iris photos (moving on to summer irises (if I find some) and late-blooming lilies soon), and for the last batch I’ve collected those images where the dominant colors are shades of blue, to post over the next few days.

When I finished post-processing for the iris below, I couldn’t stop thinking that its shape resembled the head of a giraffe. Anthropomorphism, of course, is the attribution of human qualities to nonhuman entities, usually animals, and very often domesticated animals. I don’t know if there’s a variation of anthropomorphism where humans (me!) find animal qualities in plants; I just know I saw this iris as a giraffe.

So I thought it would be fun to pretend I’d discovered a new iris: the giraffe iris. Imagine the fun I was planning to have with this little pretense, all sorts of shrieking blog words and hand-clapping about my great find.


Turns out someone already created a giraffe iris, noted not so much for its animal-like shape but for coloration that resembles a giraffe. See here — where you will find photos of the delightfully named Giraffe Kneehiz (knee-highs??) and a summary of its characteristics and hybridization.

Not to be dissuaded by actual facts, though, here’s my blue giraffe iris, from Oakland Cemetery’s gardens.

And here’s the blue giraffe — from Zoo Atlanta, where all the blue giraffes hang out — that inspired me.

See the resemblance?

Thanks for taking a look!

Bearded Irises: White Standards, Purple Falls (3 of 3)

From “My Iris Friends” by Katherine Fellows, in Tall Bearded Iris (Fleur-de-lis): A Flower of Song by Walter Stager:

I am happier for their presence,
Groups of lavender and blue,
For their lavish gifts and treasure,
And their ways so fine and true —
Gifts of beauty without measure,
Gifts of fragrance all so rare;
And we thank the one who gives us
Glorious sunshine, flowers fair.

From the same place (Oakland Cemetery’s gardens) as the previous posts…

Bearded Irises: White Standards, Purple Falls (1 of 3), and

Bearded Irises: White Standards, Purple Falls (2 of 3)

… here are the last two galleries of white and purple irises on black backgrounds.

Thanks for taking a look!

Bearded Irises: White Standards, Purple Falls (2 of 3)

From “The Spirit of the Iris” by Grace Hine Dalzell, in Tall Bearded Iris (Fleur-de-lis): A Flower of Song by Walter Stager:

Sunbeams imprisoned that fall to the earth and grow;
The lovely lingering blush of sunset afterglow.
The whiteness of the snows, a gleam of garish gold,
A wave of royal purple, a dash of yellow bold.

More irises!

From the same place (Oakland Cemetery’s gardens) as the previous post — here are a few of the images I altered to paint the backgrounds black, with Lightroom’s adjustment brush, and also add a little bright white to the flowers’ standards.

Thanks for taking a look!

Bearded Irises: White Standards, Purple Falls (1 of 3)

From Garden Flora: The Natural and Cultural History of the Plants In Your Garden by Noel Kingsbury:

Iris is, after Rosa, the most genetically complex hardy plant genus. An overview of it presents several oddities:

– No other genus of cultivation includes plants from such totally different habitats, from desert to waterside marginals….

– Flower colour range is exceptionally broad — basically yellow or blue/purple in nature, but with pinks and many very dark purples to almost black now available…. Indeed, the genus is named after the Greek goddess of the rainbow.

– Very few natural species are in cultivation — nearly all garden plants are hybrids.

– Species or varieties with a broad habitat tolerance are few and far between; many are quite particular about conditions, or are relatively high maintenance. Most could be described as connoisseur plants.

– Flowering season tends to be short. No breeder has come up with a gene for long-flowering… yet.

– The flower shape is broadly universal, with standards (the true petals, standing upright in the centre) and falls (petal-like sepals facing down and out). The inner part of each fall is covered by an additional petal-like structure, the style arms, which have evolved from the style. There may (or may not) be a beard of hairs at the top of the fall.”

From the short quotation above, we learn a little bit about the biology of irises, and that the two distinct parts of the plant’s flower are called standards and falls. The irises in the galleries below — from the same general area in Oakland Cemetery’s gardens — exhibit white standards (with blue or purple veining), and falls that are predominantly purple but also seem to reflect back every color of the rainbow, from purple and blue to orange and yellow in the beard.

Over the next few days, I’ll post the rest of the series — where I took my photographs of these flowers (and a few others) and converted their backgrounds to black.

Thanks for taking a look!

Purple and Yellow Irises

From “The Handling of Colour” in Irises: Their Culture and Selection by Gwendolyn Anley:

“There is no flower which reflects the changes of light so sensitively as the iris….

In the pale light of early morning as the sun lifts over the distant woodland, the colours wake and come to life out of the dusk of night. There is something wraithlike about them at this hour, a pearly beauty which passes almost before it is realized. At noon the flowers are at the height of their glory: imperial yellow, royal purple, wine red and tender blue, lavender and soft pink — a wealth of colour which cannot be surpassed by any other genus.”

From 100 Flowers and How They Got Their Names by Diana Wells:

Iris [in Greek mythology] was the messenger of the gods and the rainbow linking earth with other worlds. She escorted souls along her iridescent bridge to another life, and she herself used it to join the thoughts of gods and men. She was that longed-for connection to those whom we love intensely, but who are suffering without our awareness, and it was she who was sent to tell Alcyone, still praying for the safety of her husband Ceyx, that he had already drowned.”

“The flag iris is supposed to have saved the life of the sixth-century Frankish king Clovis, who then succeeded in conquering much of France under the Christian banner. God, or common sense, showed Clovis, trapped by the Goths at a bend in the Rhine, flag irises growing where it would be shallow enough to cross the river and so escape. In gratitude he adopted the iris flower as his emblem, and it became the symbol for the kings of France. Irises were on Louis VIIโ€™s banner during the Second French Crusade (1147) and were called fleur de Louis, which in turn became fleur-de-lis….”

Irises are blooming!

Actually, they’re about done blooming; I’m working through photos I took during the week of May 2, and here are the first ones (from Oakland Cemetery’s gardens). With storms that came in during the weeks that followed, I was glad to have gotten to the irises before they suffered rain- and wind-damage, and will be posting additional photos soon.

This purple iris was in its late days, its petals fully unfurled and topped with a crown about the size of a baseball by itself. From that comparison, you can get a sense of the overall dimensions of the flower — about five baseballs, perhaps one of the largest irises I saw on my photoshoots and replete with a variety of colors, including shades of purple, blue, orange, and bits of red. “At noon the flowers are at the height of their glory” — from the Anley quotation above — certainly seems about right: I took these photos just before noon on a sunny day, which helped me capture the full range of colors this iris can exhibit.

I think this gallery and the next one show the same variety of yellow flag iris, the first one featuring very typical iris shapes…

… with this one showing some dramatic variations during its early stages of opening. I took these photos at about the same time as the purple irises above, snagging all the yellow and orange color shades that the flower can display. My favorite image is the second one — which is especially fun to look at in its full-sized version: here.

Thanks for reading and taking a look!